Latin-1 - определение. Что такое Latin-1
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Что (кто) такое Latin-1 - определение

Latin-1; ISO-8859-1; 8859-1; ISO Latin-1; Latin 1; ISO8859-1; Iso-8859-1; ISO Latin 1; ISO 8859-1; Iso 8859-1; Latin1; 8859 1; ISO-Latin-1; Latin-1 supplement; Iso8859-1; User:Np0388; IEC 8859-1; IsO-8859-1; ISO IEC 8859-1; ISO/IEC 88591; ISO-IEC 88591; Windows-28591; Code page 28591; Codepage 28591; Code page 819; Codepage 819; CP819; Iso-ir-100; IBM819; CsISOLatin1; ISO 8859-1:1987; Iso88591; EBCDIC 819; ISO 8859/1; HP 0N; ECMA 94-1; ECMA-94/1; ECMA 94/1; ECMA-94-1; ISO88591; ISO-IR-100; CSISOLATIN1; ISO/CEI 8859-1; ISO/IEC 8859-1:1987; ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998; ISO/CEI 8859-1:1987; ISO/CEI 8859-1:1998; ISO8859 1; LATIN1-ISO; Oracle WE8ISO8859P1; WE8ISO8859P1; N8ISO8859P1; DK8ISO8859P1; S8ISO8859P1; SF8ISO8859P1; IS8ISO8859P1; Oracle DK8ISO8859P1; Oracle S8ISO8859P1; Oracle SF8ISO8859P1; Oracle IS8ISO8859P1; Oracle N8ISO8859P1; Latin1-iso; WE8EEC8859P1; EEC8ISO8859P1; Oracle WE8EEC8859P1; Oracle EEC8ISO8859P1
Найдено результатов: 12852
Latin 1         
ISO Latin 1         
PostScript Latin 1 Encoding         
Code page 1277; Postscript Latin 1 Encoding
The PostScript Latin 1 Encoding (often spelled ISOLatin1Encoding) is one of the character sets (or encoding vectors) used by Adobe Systems' PostScript (PS) since 1984 (1982). In 1995, IBM assigned code page 1277 (CCSID 1277) to this character set.
ISO 8859-1         
Latin Quarter, Paris         
  • View of [[Rue de la Huchette]] (October 2003)
Quartier latin; Le Quartier Latin; Quartier Latin; Latin Quarter (Paris); Latin Quarter; Latin Quarter in Paris
The Latin Quarter of Paris (, ) is an area in the 5th and the 6th arrondissements of Paris. It is situated on the left bank of the Seine, around the Sorbonne.
Latin poetry         
  •  Memorial Stone of [[Quintius Sulpicius Maximus]], Rome, Italy. First century AD; located at the [[Porta Salaria]], Rome, commemorating an 11-year-old who won a poetry contest in 95 AD.
Latin verse; Roman poetry; Latin poem; Latin scansion; Latin Scansion; Latin poet; Latin verse composition
The history of Latin poetry can be understood as the adaptation of Greek models. The verse comedies of Plautus, the earliest surviving examples of Latin literature, are estimated to have been composed around 205-184 BC.
Medieval Latin         
  • Book of Hours]] contains prayers in medieval Latin.
  • The [[Prüfening dedicatory inscription]] from [[Bavaria]], dated to 1119, composed in medieval Latin. It was printed rather than carved.
Mediaeval Latin; Mediaeval latin; Mediaeval Latin language; Middle Latin; Medieval Latin literature; Middle-Latin; Medieval Latin language; Mediæval Latin; Middle Latin language; Medieval Latinity
Medieval Latin was the form of Literary Latin used in Roman Catholic Western Europe during the Middle Ages. In this region it served as the primary written language, though local languages were also written to varying degrees.
Dog Latin         
Macaronic Latin; Pseudo-Latin; Semper ubi sub ubi; Dog-Latin; Mock Latin; Mock-Latin; Cat-Latin; Cat Latin; Dog latin; Cod Latin; Cod-Latin; Canis Latinicus
Dog Latin or cod Latin is a phrase or jargon that imitates Latin, often by "translating" English words (or those of other languages) into Latin by conjugating or declining them as if they were Latin words. Dog Latin is usually a humorous device mocking scholarly seriousness.
dog Latin         
Macaronic Latin; Pseudo-Latin; Semper ubi sub ubi; Dog-Latin; Mock Latin; Mock-Latin; Cat-Latin; Cat Latin; Dog latin; Cod Latin; Cod-Latin; Canis Latinicus
¦ noun a debased form of Latin.
Old Latin         
  • The [[Duenos Inscription]] on a trio of three globular ''[[kernos]]'' vases
  • The [[Praeneste Fibula]], the earliest known specimen of the [[Latin]] language and dated to the first half of the seventh century BC.
Archaic Latin; Prisca Latinitas; Early Latin; Old Latin language; Old Latin phonology; Early Latin phonology; Old Latinity; Archaic Latinity; Early Latinity
¦ noun Latin before about 100 BC.


ISO/IEC 8859-1

ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1, is part of the ISO/IEC 8859 series of ASCII-based standard character encodings, first edition published in 1987. ISO/IEC 8859-1 encodes what it refers to as "Latin alphabet no. 1", consisting of 191 characters from the Latin script. This character-encoding scheme is used throughout the Americas, Western Europe, Oceania, and much of Africa. It is the basis for some popular 8-bit character sets and the first two blocks of characters in Unicode.

ISO-8859-1 was (according to the standard, at least) the default encoding of documents delivered via HTTP with a MIME type beginning with "text/" (HTML5 changed this to Windows-1252). As of January 2023, 1.4% of all (and only 16 of the top 1000) web sites use ISO/IEC 8859-1. It is the most declared single-byte character encoding in the world on the Web, but as Web browsers interpret it as the superset Windows-1252, the documents may include characters from that set.

Depending on the country or language, use (on websites at least) can be much higher than the global average, e.g. (including Windows-1252), for Brazil according to website use, use is at 9.2%, and in Germany at 3.9%.

ISO-8859-1 was the default encoding of the values of certain descriptive HTTP headers, and defined the repertoire of characters allowed in HTML 3.2 documents, and is specified by many other standards. It's rarely assumed to be the encoding of text in operating systems (while it was very common in the past), though if an 8-bit encoding is used then its superset encoding Windows-1252 is most likely to be used, on Microsoft Windows if there is no byte order mark (BOM); this is only gradually being changed to UTF-8.

ISO-8859-1 is the IANA preferred name for this standard when supplemented with the C0 and C1 control codes from ISO/IEC 6429. The following other aliases are registered: iso-ir-100, csISOLatin1, latin1, l1, IBM819. Code page 28591 a.k.a. Windows-28591 is used for it in Windows. IBM calls it code page 819 or CP819 (CCSID 819). Oracle calls it WE8ISO8859P1.